About the Farm

 Mulberry is located on a small piece of land that was once a part of the acres of farmland next door, which have been tended by many generations of the same family. In the 1970’s, the owners of this tiny portion of that acreage were not farmers, and carved out their own piece of suburbia. They built a tennis court and a swimming pool, and where once a barn had stood, they set a garage of concrete and rebar on top of the original fieldstone foundation. 

When the tennis court was removed, we found compressed, lifeless dirt. Our goals are to regenerate any similar dirt on the property into the rich soil that existed here for so many years, to make choices that recognize the property belongs not only to us, but to the animals who share it and generations to come, and to create a spot of beauty for people passing by.

Along with flowers and mulberries, we grow a wide variety of berry bushes, fruit and nut trees, herbs, and vegetables.

Welcome to Mulberry Farm

A photo looking through tree branches on either side into a field with cows eating grass